

Feldschlößchen Sales Company Ltd.
Cunnersdorfer Street 25
01189 Dresden


The registered office of the company is Dresden
VAT ID No. DE811136707
Commercial Register Number HRB: 1202, Local Court Dresden

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Alexander Benkert
Board of Directors: Mike Gärtner, Karsten Uhlmann

Legal notice

All information on our website has been carefully checked.

We make every effort to constantly expand and update this information. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness of the information.

The same applies to all other websites referred to by hyperlink. Feldschlößchen Aktiengesellschaft hereby declares that, in accordance with judgement 312 O 85/98 on liability for links of 12 May 1998 (Hamburg Regional Court), we expressly distance ourselves from all content of all links on the following pages and do not adopt this content as our own. The reference by means of hyperlink also does not constitute a recommendation of these websites or the companies operating them or their products by us.

We also have no influence on whether third parties set up links from their website to our website. The existence of such links is not an indication of cooperation with these companies or a recommendation of your offer.

Liability claims caused by the use of our internet offer are excluded, unless we have acted intentionally or with gross negligence.

Furthermore, Feldschlößchen Aktiengesellschaft reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided.

The content and structure of the web pages are protected by copyright. There are no objections to the use of the information contained on our web pages for personal use. However, the reproduction of information or data, in particular the commercial use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires the prior consent of Feldschlößchen Aktiengesellschaft.

Copyright and property rights

The contents of our web pages, including texts, images, graphic representations, audio and video files are - unless expressly stated otherwise - our property and may not be reproduced, modified, transmitted, reused, made available again, exploited or used in any other way for public or commercial purposes without our prior written consent. We point out that an infringement of our copyrights or other property rights may result in civil and/or criminal consequences.